40 research outputs found

    Eficacia del Plasma Rico en Plaquetas: Influencia de la vía de administración y edad del donante.

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    126 p.La artrosis de rodilla es una enfermedad prevalente de difícil control. Las terapias con PRP para el tratamiento de esta patología han demostrado un buen control clínico de la enfermedad. Diversos factores influyen en los efectos biológicos del PRP, entre los que se encuentran la composición del PRP, la edad del donante o el modo de aplicación del tratamiento. El presente trabajo analiza en primer lugar el efecto del PRP sobre el hueso subcondral. Dado que el hueso subcondral es un elemento clave implicado en esta patología, se estudia el efecto biológico y estructural que tiene sobre éste la infiltración intraósea con PRP, utilizando un modelo murino. Así mismo se estudió la influencia de la edad en la eficacia del tratamiento con PRP en ese mismo modelo animal. En un segundo trabajo se evaluó la influencia de la edad del donante en los en modelos celulares neurales, en los cuales se observó, entre otros, un efecto antiinflamatorio mayor tras la aplicación de PRP de donantes jóvenes, el cual también presentaba un perfil menos proinflamatorio que el de donantes de edad avanzada. Por último se evaluó la influencia de la vía de administración del PRP en el tratamiento de la artrosis grave de rodilla, teniendo en cuenta los aspectos clínicos. Se evaluó la respuesta al tratamiento de la vía intraarticular comparándola con la vía intraósea de administración, encontrándose en esta última unos mejores resultados clínicos. El PRP es una herramienta eficaz en el tratamiento de la artrosis de rodilla y la vía de administración es un elemento clave para el resultado clínico. Además, la eficacia también puede verse afectada por la composición molecular del PRP la cual está condicionada, entre otros posibles factores, por la edad del donante

    PRP Injections in Orthopaedic Surgery: Why, When and How to Use PRP Dynamic Liquid Scaffold Injections in Orthopaedic Surgery

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    Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) products can be described as any autologous blood platelet concentrate within a plasma suspension. PRP products include plasma and twofold or greater increases in platelet concentrations above baseline levels. The injection of activated PRP in its liquid formulation delivers growth factors locally and simultaneously mimics and amplifies the spontaneous healing response in injured areas and in special cell niches, which would otherwise be inaccessible. This in situ generated transient three-dimensional scaffold will gradually release growth factors and maintain their concentration at the site of the scaffold formation. The combination of liquid PRP with surgical techniques in orthopaedic surgery allows a wide range of therapeutic strategies in the management of injuries in the field of orthopaedics and sports medicine. The use of different therapeutic elements, including PRP as biological stimuli and rehabilitation and physiotherapy treatments as mechanical stimuli, provides extremely favourable synergies that will help fulfil the physician’s objective, to stop the progression of disease and to improve function in the shortest period of tim

    Platelet-Rich Plasma for Injured Peripheral Nerves: Biological Repair Process and Clinical Application Guidelines

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    Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) is a biological therapy that uses the patient’s own blood to obtain products with a higher platelet concentration than in blood. It provides a transient fibrin scaffold as a controlled drug delivery system of growth factors suitable for regenerative medicine. PRP has been used as medical strategy to treat diverse types of injuries in the field of orthopedics, including peripheral nerve lesions. In vitro and in vivo studies showed the neuroprotective, neurogenic and neuroinflammatory modulator effect of PRP. In addition, it has been demonstrated clinically that PRP infiltrations improve clinical symptoms and enhance the sensory and motor functional nerve muscle unit recovery. Potential effects of PRP could be applied in treatments for neuropathies, as conservative treatment by means of nerve ultrasound-guided infiltrations or as biological adjuvant during surgery

    Impact Assessment of Citizen Science:State of the Art and Guiding Principles for a Consolidated Approach

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    Over the past decade, citizen science has experienced growth and popularity as a scientific practice and as a new form of stakeholder engagement and public participation in science or in the generation of new knowledge. One of the key requirements for realising the potential of citizen science is evidence and demonstration of its impact and value. Yet the actual changes resulting from citizen science interventions are often assumed, ignored or speculated about. Based on a systematic review of 77 publications, combined with empirical insights from 10 past and ongoing projects in the field of citizen science, this paper presents guidelines for a consolidated Citizen Science Impact Assessment framework to help overcome the dispersion of approaches in assessing citizen science impacts; this comprehensive framework enhances the ease and consistency with which impacts can be captured, as well as the comparability of evolving results across projects. Our review is framed according to five distinct, yet interlinked, impact domains (society, economy, environment, science and technology, and governance). Existing citizen science impact assessment approaches provide assessment guidelines unevenly across the five impact domains, and with only a small number providing concrete indicator-level conceptualisations. The analysis of the results generates a number of salient insights which we combine in a set of guiding principles for a consolidated impact assessment framework for citizen science initiatives. These guiding principles pertain to the purpose of citizen science impact assessments, the conceptualisation of data collection methods and information sources, the distinction between relative versus absolute impact, the comparison of impact assessment results across citizen science projects, and the incremental refinement of the organising framework over time

    Antropozenoa: Lurraren historiako pasarte berria?

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    Anthropocene is a geological informal term used to signal the time interval in which human activities have exherted a global impact on Earth dynamics. Its definiti on as a formal geochrono logical unit requires to determine the start date and to establish suitable strati graphic markers . ln this work, some sc ientific considerations which may help to define the Anthropocene are presented.; "Antropozenoa" esaten zaio informalki giza jarduerek Lurreko dinamikari eskala orokorrean eragin dioten denbora tarteari. Unitate geokronologiko formal modura onartua izateko, bere hasiera finkatzeaz gain markatza ile estratigrafiko egokiak ze haztu beharra dago. Lan honek Antropozenoa definitzeko lagungarri ak izan daitezkeen hainbat iritzi zientifiko biltzen ditu

    Antropozenoa: "Urre koloreko iltze"-aren bila

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    Antropozeno hitzak, gizakia, Holozeno Epokaren aurreko dinamika naturalak aldatzeko gai eta indar geologiko erabakigarri bihurtu den denbora tarte geologikoari egiten dio erreferentzia. 2009az geroztik, Antropozenoko lantaldea Antropozenoa ikuspegi geologikotik definitzen zentratu da, Estratigrafiari buruzko Nazioarteko Batzordeak ezarritako arauak jarraituz eta, hortaz, zer unitate kronoestratigrafikoa, beheko mugaren adina eta haren markatzaile estratigrafiko nagusiak adierazten dituzten proposamenak eginez. Erradionuklido artifizialek (137Cs, 241Am, 239Pu, 240Pu) potentzial handia eskaintzen dutela dirudi, ingurunean sinkronikoki agertzen direlako 1950 inguruko “Great Acceleration” prozesuaren ondorioz. Hala eta guztiz ere, oraindik azterketa sakonagoak behar dira denbora geologiko hau formalizatzeko behar diren irizpide estratigrafiko guztiak betetzen dituen GSSP egokia aurkitzeko. Lan honen helburua Antropozenoko lantaldearen jarduera, Antropozeno kontzeptua egituratzen duten eztabaida-elementu nagusiak eta orain arte lortutako ondorio nagusiak laburbiltzea da.; The term Anthropocene refers to the geological time interval in which humans have become a significant geological force capable of altering the previous relatively stable natural dynamics of the Holocene Epoch. Since 2009 the Anthropocene Working Group has been focused on defining the Anthropocene from a geological point of view, following the standards established by the International Commission on Stratigraphy and, thus, proposing what type of chronostratigraphic unit it represents, the age of the lower boundary and its main stratigraphic indicators. Artificial radionuclides (137Cs, 241Am, 239Pu, 240Pu) appear to offer great potential owing to their synchronous onset in the environment, coinciding approximately with the “Great Acceleration” of about 1950. However, more in-depth studies are still needed to find the appropriate GSSP that meets all the necessary stratigraphic criteria to formalize this geological time. This work is intended to summarize the activity of the Anthropocene Working Group, the main elements of discussion that vertebrate the Anthropocene concept and the main conclusions reached so far

    A novel RT-QPCR-based assay for the relative quantification of residue specific m6A RNA methylation

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    N6-methyladenosine (m6A) is the most common and abundant RNA modification. Recent studies have shown its importance in the regulation of several biological processes, including the immune response, and different approaches have been developed in order to map and quantify m6A marks. However, site specific detection of m6A methylation has been technically challenging, and existing protocols are long and tedious and often involve next-generation sequencing. Here, we describe a simple RT-QPCR based approach for the relative quantification of candidate m6A regions that takes advantage of the diminished capacity of BstI enzyme to retrotranscribe m6A residues. Using this technique, we have been able to confirm the recently described m6A methylation in the 3′UTR of SOCS1 and SOCS3 transcripts. Moreover, using the method presented here, we have also observed alterations in the relative levels of m6A in specific motifs of SOCS genes in celiac disease patients and in pancreatic β-cells exposed to inflammatory stimuli.J.R.B. is funded by Project ISCIII-PI16/00258 and co-funded by the European Union ERDF/ESF “A way to make Europe”. I.S. is funded by a research project grant 2015111068 of the Basque Department of Health. A.C.R. was funded by a Juan de la Cierva reincorporation and an Ikerbasque fellowships and a research project grant from Asociación Celiacos Madrid. I.R.G., A.O.G. and A.J.M. are supported by predoctoral fellowship grants from the UPV/EHU and the Basque Department of Education

    Factors Associated With Peripheral Nerve Injury After Pelvic Laparoscopy: The Importance of Surgical Positioning

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    BACKGROUND: Nerve damage after abdominal and pelvic surgery is rare but potentially serious. The incidence of peripheral nerve injury is difficult to assess, and rates of between 0.02% and 21% have been cited in the literature. Signs and symptoms of this type of injury may appear immediately after surgery or a few days later. PURPOSE: This study was developed to assess the rate of peripheral nerve injury after pelvic laparoscopy and to identify associated risk factors. METHODS: A pilot prospective cohort study was conducted between March 2018 and April 2019 on 101 patients with a 1-month follow-up using two semistructured clinical interviews. We carried out a descriptive analysis followed by univariable and multivariable logistic regression analyses. RESULTS: Thirteen patients were found to have peripheral nerve injuries, representing a rate of 12.9%. Overall, 14 injuries (five severe and nine mild) were detected. One patient had two mild injuries. In this study, the risk of injury was found to increase 1.77-fold (OR = 1.77, 95% CI [1.13, 2.76], p = .007) for each hour the patient was in the Trendelenburg position. CONCLUSIONS/IMPLICATIONS FOR PRACTICE: The longer the patient is in the Trendelenburg position, the greater the risk of peripheral nerve damage. Patients aged 60 years or less also face a higher risk of nerve injury.This study was supported by a 600-euro grant from the Basque Foundation for Health Innovation and Research

    Parte hartu ala paso egin? Gazteen ikasketa politikoak aztergai

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    Lan honetan Hego Euskal Herriko gazteen ikasketa politikoak aztertzen dira. Ikuspegi kualitatibo batetik, sakoneko elkarrizketen eta eztabaida taldeen bidez, politikarekin harreman askotarikoa duten gazteen ibilbideak dira ikergai. Alde batetik, aktibismo politikoaren eredu desberdinetan aritzen diren gazteen ikasketa politikoak aztertu dira, batzuek politikarekiko lotura ohikoagoa eta beste batzuek berritzaileagoa dutelarik. Bestetik, euren burua politikatik at ikusten duten gazteen ibilbideak ere ikertu dira, politikarekiko hartu-eman hori behatu nahian. Horretarako, gazteen profil bietan, gazteen sozializazio politikoa, gazteek politikari aitortzen dioten zentzua, eta gazteen eskutik sortzen ari den politikagintza berritua jorratzen dira.Parte Hartuz ikerketa taldea (UPV/EHU) Vital Fundazioa (I Deialdia, 2018). Manu Robles Arangiz Fundazio